Home made Laundry Detergent

Being the naturalist I am, and having lived with septic systems my whole life, I have been using this for years.  It ends up being very economical, you use only 2 tbsps per load!  It is an excellent quilt wash, it is the only thing I will ever wash my quilts with.
I know some of you quilters will perhaps balk at the dry bleach in the recipe, but keep in mind the little you use, and it doesn't hurt.  I have quilts that I have had on my beds for fifteen years that are still in amazing shape.  All I have ever used to wash them was this recipe.
Oh, and another thing...you will never need fabric softner again, as this doesn't create static either.
So you can save alot of $$$$

2 cups arm and hammer washing soda
1 cup dry bleach for unbleachables
1 cup borax
1 bar fels naptha (grated)  I use Sunlight bar or Linda bar here in Canada
Mix all together and use just 2 tblsp per load


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